Shurangama Sutra: Text, Commentaries, and Articles

[Shurangama is also written as Surangama, with Sanskrit diacritical marks as Śūraṅgama or Śūraṃgama.]

Da Fo Ding Shou Leng Yan Jing
(Taisho Tripitaka, No. 945)

Compiled by Ron Epstein
Please send corrections and suggestions to
(Note: If you see nonsense characters, you need a Chinese browser to read them.)


BREAKING NEWS: August 15, 2009 is the official publication date for an entirely new and complete English version--The Śūraṅgama Sutra: A New Translation with Excerpts from the Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsüan Hua (Talmage, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2009). For more information on this translation, see . It can be purchased online at



Sutra Text

Shurangama Sutra in Chinese, CBETA text with marked links to Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
Shurangama Sutra
in Chinese with the Commentary of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

Shurangama Sutra in Chinese with Zheng-mai Commentary
Shurangama Sutra in Chinese with Jiang-yi Commentary

Buddhist Text Translation Society's Draft English Translation of the Shurangama Sutra (2002 Interim Edition):

(Note: Please forward all corrections of the translation to me or to the Buddhist Text Translation Society. The page numbers in the text refer to the pages in the eight volume first edition of the Sutra and commentary. These files are in Acrobat .pdf format and download very slowly. Volumes one and eight take an especially long time to download.)

Volume One
Volume Two
Volume Three
Volume Four
Volume Five
Volume Six
Volume Seven
Volume Eight

Polish Translation of Volume Eight

Comment on the Sutra and Mantra by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

"The Shurangama Mantra--The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth" by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
"A Sure Sign of the Proper Dharma: the Shurangama Sutra" by the Venerable Master [Hsuan] Hua
"The Shurangama Sutra Is Definitely Authentic" by the Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
"Is the Shurangama Sutra an Inauthentic Sutra?" by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


Other Articles and Essays

Research on Authenticity of Surangama-Sutra by Chen Yo Bin, M.A. Thesis, Institute of Oriental Humanities, Huafan University, Shih Tin, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, 1998. (English summary of the thesis, which is written in Chinese)

Ananda's Search for the Mind in Seven Locations" by Ron Epstein. Vajra Bodhi Sea: A Monthly Journal of Orthodox Buddhism, March, 1975, pp. 17-23.

"Foreword" by Ronald Epstein. The Fifty Skandha-Demon States: A Simple Explanation by the Venerable Master Hsüan Hua. The Shurangama Sutra, Volume VIII, pp. vii-ix. Burlingame, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1996. Chinese translation (Chinese browser necessary).

"The Shurangama Sutra: a Reappraisal of Its Authenticity" by Ronald Epstein

"Chinese Commentaries to the Surangama Sutra" compiled by Ronald Epstein, 1975.

Revised June 2009.
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