A Buddhist practice of rescuing animals, birds, fish and so forth that
are destined for slaughter or that are permanently
caged. They are released to a new physical and spiritual life. The
practice exemplifies the fundamental Buddhist teaching
of compassion for all living beings.
A disciple of the Buddha must maintain a mind of kindness and cultivate
the practice of liberating beings. He should reflect
thus: 'All male beings have been my father and all females have been
my mother. There is not a single being who has not
given birth to me during my previous lives, hence all beings of the
Six Destinies are my parents. Therefore, when a person
kills and eats any of these beings, he thereby slaughters my parents.
Furthermore, he kills a body that was once my own, for
all elemental earth and water previously served as part of my body
and all elemental fire and wind have served as my basic
substance. Therefore, I shall always cultivate the practice of liberating
beings and in every life be reborn in the
eternally-abiding Dharma and teach others to liberate beings as well.'
Whenever a Bodhisattva sees a person preparing to kill an animal, he
should devise a skilful method to rescue and protect
it, freeing it from its suffering and difficulties... (BNS I 162)
In China this practice was made popular by the Venerable Jr-Yi (see entry) and has continued to the present day.
Developing our Compassion by Liberating Living Beings
"Once a month at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, we liberate animals
destined for slaughter. We purchase them from the
wholesalers, bring them to some appropriate place, and let them go
free. We recite mantras, sutras, and praises on their
behalf, so that they can hear them, and so that the merit of our recitation
can be transferred to them. This traditional
Buddhist practice, called 'liberating living beings', has always been
praised and honored by the sages and high masters.
"By liberating living beings, we also nurture compassion in our hearts.
By not killing, we cultivate compassion. In letting
living creatures go, we also cultivate compassion. The compassion in
our hearts grows greater every day until it becomes
as great as that of the greatly compassionate Bodhisattva Observer
of the World's Sounds (Avalokiteshvara).
"Bodhisattva Observer of the World's Sounds did not kill living beings;
she always liberated them, and so she has a greatly
compassionate heart. We should imitate the great kindness and compassion
of Bodhisattva Observer of the World's Sounds
and liberate living beings. The principle is very logical: if you liberate
life, you increase your compassion. Liberating
living beings is just liberating ourselves.. Why? Because we and all
living beings are basically of one substance. We
should think this way: 'If someone put me in a cage, wouldn't I be
uncomfortable? Wouldn't I wish that someone would let
me go? If I were put in jail, I would not want to stay there. Likewise,
I don't like to see birds put in cages. This is because
living beings and I are of one substance. Since I feel this way, I
want to liberate living beings.
"What is more, you don't know which living being was related to you
in a past life. One might have been your father, or
your brother, or your sister. You can't know for sure. Perhaps they
were your children, or your friends. Right now you
haven't gained the use of the Heavenly Eye or the Penetration of Past
Lives, and so you don't know what kinds of causes and
effects belong to each animal; and yet, when you see these creatures,
you feel uncomfortable and want to set them free.
Setting them free isn't a stupid thing to do by any means, as some
people might think. It is an aspect of cultivation. There
isn't just one way to cultivate. There are eighty-four thousand Dharma-doors
in cultivation, and every single door leads to
the realization of supreme enlightenment. Liberating living beings
is one of them. We must be careful not to think of it as
'stupid'. If we have that kind of attitude, we will obstruct our own
"I just said that we wouldn't want to be locked in jail. I will tell
you the truth. This is not an analogy. Your own body is, in
fact, a cage! You are stuck in your own body and you are not yet able
to get out of it. Until we have gained a very high level
of spiritual practice and wisdom, we will remain stuck in the cages
that are our bodies. Only then will we have liberated
our own lives. That's the real liberation of the living. If we want
to liberate our own lives, we must first liberate the lives
of those little creatures. The one kind of liberating the living helps
the other kind.
"Liberating living beings is a very important aspect of Buddhist practice.
But if one hasn't understood this yet, one might
think it a very ordinary affair. If we don't cultivate the one kind
of liberating the living, we won't be able to obtain the other
kind. There are many changes and transformations, and so don't look
upon this lightly. Liberating the living brings returns on
one's own efforts." (Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, PDS, May, 1985)
"Why do we liberate . . . [living creatures]? It is because if we ransom
creatures that were destined to be slaughtered for
food and then set them free, then they can live out their natural lifespans.
This in turn enables the people who liberate the
living to enjoy a long life.
"Why are there wars in the world? It is because our collective killing
karma is so heavy. If in this life I kill you, in the next
life, you'll kill me, and in the life after that I'll come back to
kill you. This cycle of killing continues forever. People kill
animals and in their next life they become animals. The animals which
they once killed now return as people to claim
revenge. This goes on and on. There is endless killing and bloodshed.
When incidents of slaughter multiply until the
resentment can no longer be contained, they explode into massive world
wars, with the resultant huge massacres and
horrendous destruction. On the battlefield, people are propelled by
resentment and enmity that has accumulated during many
lifetimes, and they go absolutely berserk, lashing out at one another
like savages. 'You kill one person? I'll kill ten!' They
take revenge on one another like that. Wars are the painful results
of killing karma created in our past lives.
"Therefore, we liberate the living to diminish our killing karma. The
more people engage in liberating the living, the less
killing they will do. Wars will proportionately decrease. We who cultivate
these compassionate practices do not oppose
war: we just don't go to war. We don't kill but instead we set living
creatures free. This is the true and ultimate way to
eliminate war. It is also a gateway to long life and health and to
the eradication of disasters and illnesses. The merit and
virtue that one accumulates from liberating animals is boundless. It
enables you to cause living beings to live out the full
extent of their natural lifespans. In addition, you benefit personally
because illnesses are averted. As a result you enjoy
good health and are able to peacefully cultivate the Way.
"The purpose of liberating the living is to protect the lives of creatures.
It is a Dharma-door that exemplifies the Buddha's
compassion. Everyone should protect living creatures and not abuse
or slaughter them." (FAS Ch8 76-77)
"In liberating the living
You yourself will live long.
Health, riches and blessings
Will descend upon you, never-ending."
(CL II 15)
1) Ch. fang sheng , 2) Skt. , 3) Pali , 4) Alternate Translations:
See also: living beings.
BTTS References: Sutra of Cause and Effect, pp. ?; DFS IX 1601-2; CL
II 15, 59 (= BNS 20th minor); BNS I 162-5; FAS
Ch8 76-77; RH 186-198; Hsuan Hua (Ven. Master), "Developing our Compassion
by Liberating Living Beings," PDS,
May, 1985; "To Atone for Killing Karma Liberate the Living Instead,"
VBS #147, Aug. 1982, pp. 13-17.