by Senaka Weeraratna
Contemporary Sri Lanka is the heir to a rich and unique pre-colonial history in respect to Animal Welfare. Historical rock inscriptions and ancient chronicles e.g. Mahawamsa, reveal that extensive state protection was granted to animals and the slaughter of cows was strictly prohibited.
These historical sources further reveal that the ethic of Ahimsa (non-violence
towards other sentient beings) a cardinal tenet in Buddhism and Hinduism, was
a paradigm of public administration and justice in pre-colonial Sri Lanka.
The trusteeship power of the State was extended to protect animals, birds and
other living creatures of the land pursuant to a moving plea made by Arahant
Mahinda to King Devanampiyatissa in their very first encounter at Mihintale
about 2300 years ago, in the following words:
"Oh! Great King, the birds of the air and the beasts have an equal right
to live and move about in any part of this land as thou. The land belongs to
the peoples and all other beings and thou art only the guardian of it."
The inspiration for this noble pronouncement may well be attributed to two sources:
Duties of the Cakkavatti King
a) The Buddhas discourse in the Cakkavatti Sihanada Sutta (Digha Nikaya
of the Sutta Pitaka) where the Buddha in spelling out the duties of an ideal
ruler declared:
The Cakkavatti King (Righteous King) will give protection, shelter and
ward both to the different classes of human beings, and also to birds and beasts,
b) The policy of 'Rule of Righteousness' adopted by Arahant Mahindas father
the Emperor Asoka of India (3rd Century BC) who accepted state responsibility
for animals and granted them protection via edicts inscribed on rocks all over
India (the Asokan Edicts). These edicts were legal pronouncements based on ethical
Asokan Model of benevolent state
Arahant Mahindas declaration set the tone for the creation of an Asokan
model of benevolent state in Sri Lanka. The social and legal history of Sri
Lanka provides innumerable examples of the Buddhist attitude to animal life.
Our former Kings established some of the worlds' first wild life sanctuaries.
Five of the kings governed the country under the 'Maghata' rule, which banned
completely the killing of any animal in the kingdom. The five kings were 1)
Amanda Gamini (79 - 80 AD), 2) Voharika Tissa (269 - 291 AD) 3) Silakala (524
- 537 AD) 4) Agga Bodhi IV (658 - 674 AD) 5) Kassapa III (717 - 724 AD).
( Vide ' History of Buddhism in Ceylon 'by Walpola Rahula, First Edition, p.73)
Royal Decrees
King Silakala (524 - 537 AD) decreed the 'preservation of life for all creatures'
throughout the Island. King Kassappa IV (898 -914 AD) granted safety to all
creatures on land and water and in doing so observed in all respects the conduct
of the ancient kings. Virtuous Kings moved by compassion for animals distributed
'young corn full of milky juice' to cattle, and rice to the crows and other
birds. King Mahinda IV made arrangements for the distribution of rice cakes
to apes, wild boar, gazelle and dogs. King Parakramabahu I had commanded that
'safety of life' protective measures be extended to all creatures without exception
living on dry land and in the water on the four uposatha days in every month.
( Culavamsa - for further details on protection afforded to animals under pre-colonial
kings, refer 'The Legal Heritage of Sri Lanka' by Dr. A.R.B. Amerasinghe, Colombo:
Sarvodaya: 1999, pp.130-133).
Animal Hospitals
Several Kings established Animal Hospitals and one King i.e. Buddhadasa (341
AD) became a reputed medical and veterinary surgeon.
The people, influenced by the principle of 'Ahimsa' generally kept away from
occupations that required the killing of animals to earn a living e.g. hunting,
fishing and the slaughter of animals for food. Those who resorted to these activities
were usually relegated to the margins of the society.
King Elara
A close examination of Sri Lanka's historical rock inscriptions and perusal
of the Mahavamsa would show that animals had occupied a higher place
in the country's moral agenda. During the time of King Elara (circa 200 BC)
according to a legend as recorded in the Mahavamsa the Kings
son while driving a chariot had run over a calf. The distraught mother cow had
then run to the Kings Palace and rung a bell to draw the attention of
the King to the harm inflicted on her calf by the reckless Prince. The King
after an appropriate inquiry had then punished his own son.
Animal Sacrifice - A Criminal Offence
Ibn Batuta, the 14th Century Arab traveller refers to the sight of a co - religionist
(a Muslim) in Kurunegala whose limbs had been amputated as punishment on the
orders of the King. On inquiry Batuta had been told that the King had spared
the mans life but nevertheless had his limbs amputated because he had
unlawfully slaughtered a cow, for the purpose of an animal sacrifice. This was
a criminal offence punishable usually by death.
The above examples illustrate the extent to which the former rulers were prepared
to act to protect and enforce the legal rights that animals, particularly the
cow, enjoyed in the by gone era.
Decree of King Kirthi Sri Nissanka Malla
There were constant appeals from the rulers to the public as seen in the epigraphical
records to extend compassion to animals, grant freedom to birds and spare the
lives of fish in the lakes. An inscription engraved in an upright stone slab
at Ruwanwelisaya, Anuradhapura, which is a transcript of a decree issued in
the late 12th Century by King Kirthi Sri Nissanka Malla who had his Royal Capital
in Polonnaruwa reads as follows:
"Ordering by the beat of the drum that no animals should be killed within
a radius of seven gau (leagues) from the city, he gave security to the animals.
He also gave security to the fish in the twelve great tanks, and bestowing on
(the region's people) gold and cloth and whatever other kind of wealth they
wished, he commanded them not to catch birds and so gave security to birds
Being sentient beings like humans, animals were recognised by the traditional
Lankan society as having moral claims to reasonable consideration of their basic
Taboo on consumption of meat
As regards the consumption of meat, Percival says, "They never eat meat,
or anything that has had life" and Tennent says, "The mass of the
population were nevertheless vegetarians and so little value did they place
on animal food". ( quoted in Amerasinghe "The Legal Heritage of Sri
Lanka , p.132 )
Upon the entry of western influence to Sri Lanka commencing in the 16th Century,
the high moral value extended to non - human sentient beings began to decline
and the habit of flesh consumption gradually grew among the people. Also occupations
that were associated with the killing of animals, which fell outside the trades
recommended as the means for a Right Livelihood by the Buddha in the Noble Eightfold
Path, gained greater acceptance in society.
Today in modern Sri Lanka there is widespread encouragement by the Government
for people in both urban and rural areas, mostly Buddhists, to indulge in inland
fisheries and rear animals e.g. chicken, goats, pigs and cattle for slaughter.
This policy is far removed from the ideals that the Buddha proclaimed when he
advised rulers that birds and beasts should be given ward and protection.